H910 Champion Jazz
H1112 Champion Warriors
Tentative Brackets are posted below. Days, locations and times may change once standings are finalized.
1:00pm Girls 2-5 Broad Run Aux
2:15 pm Boys 2-4 Broad Run Aux
1:30 pm Boys 5- 6 Broad Run Main
2:45 pm Girls 6-8 Broad Run Main
4:00 pm Boys 7-8 Broad Run main
5:15 pm Coaches Game Broad Run Main
6:00 pm Coaches Dinner Location TBD
Practice schedules for the rest of the season were loaded today. Note that there are a couple of weeks with additional days that are not available for us to use resulting in some teams moving to different days/times. Coaches please review the schedules and let me know if you need a change.
Coaches can request a 2nd practice for 1 week at a time beginning on the Monday prior.
All 2nd practice schedule requests need to be to me before 8am on Wednesday of the week prior.
Something to think about while watching your son or daughter play in FSBL games this season:
1. This is a youth league and it's all about the kids.
2. Basketball is a team game.
3. Parents should cheer for everyone!
4. The referees are human and sometime make mistakes.
5. Your child is not a professional athlete playing for millions of dollars ..... yet!
If you disagree with these statements, please contact FSBL Commissioner, Craig Newman: commish@fsbl.org. He'd be happy to explain them to you!
Parents are required to notify the FSBL Board Of Directors, within forty-eight (48) hours, when their child is suspended or expelled from school. If the BOD is not notified within forty-eight (48) hours of any such suspension/expulsion, then upon discovery the child will be expelled from FSBL immediately for the remainder of the current season and the entire next season.
Your child's success or lack of success in sports does not indicate what kind of parent you are.
But having an athlete who is coachable, respectful, a great teammate, mentally tough, resilient and tries their best IS a direct reflection of your parenting.
If your son or daughter wears regular eye glasses to see like those pictured below, they are not permitted to be worn in practices or games in the FSBL. Before the season begins, please have your player fitted for a pair of RecSpecs or another brand of prescription sport goggles.